Effective Business Writing by Kevin from The Office

Effective business writing, one of the steps is to be concise with your words. “Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?” “When I president, they see… they see”

podcast of the day

Thoughts on… Cruella (2021)

This is not a movie review because I don’t need to see a movie explaining how evil a character can be. Why do I think and feel this way?! Glad you asked. Because the character this movie is about, literally wanted to skin puppies for their fur. That’s it. I’m not saying the new movie … Read more

Stopped by an antique store today

It was pretty cool. However at times creepy. Creepy in a way where you’d think you will be cursed for touching said object. Some cool stuff though. I found a very nice axe.

Antique Store Find

Today checking out an antique store during my travels I came across this axe. Based on the reaction from my peers in the axe throwing world, this is a good find. Thinking this is a Plumb National.

SPORTSPUCK!!! 2021-06-08

So this happened

Today’s drive 2021-06-06

Findlay, OH to Commerce Charter Twp, MI

Quotes from people more famous than I, 2021-06-05 edition

You think you’re gonna live forever, but you won’t. Someone’ll kill ya. Someone’ll kill ya with a knife Carl Brutananadilewski

Wes Anderson king of film hipster white people, and that’s not a good thing

Hot take: white people love Wes Anderson and his films because they believe it makes them cultured and smart. Yet they lack the smarts to realize the films are nothing more than the actors being in on the character and thus playing an exaggerated take on the character. Bill Murray is only playing Bill Murray … Read more

Not too many drivers out there with brains, or at least the ability to use them

If you’re a driver and you want to pass a 20,000+ lbs vehicle on the right side, and cut them off… or just cut them off in general, and by that I mean leaving less than a cars length in front of me… do you really think that 20k+ lbs vehicle can stop on a … Read more