Effective Business Writing by Kevin from The Office

Effective business writing, one of the steps is to be concise with your words. “Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?” “When I president, they see… they see”

Thoughts on… Cruella (2021)

This is not a movie review because I don’t need to see a movie explaining how evil a character can be. Why do I think and feel this way?! Glad you asked. Because the character this movie is about, literally wanted to skin puppies for their fur. That’s it. I’m not saying the new movie … Read more

Stopped by an antique store today

It was pretty cool. However at times creepy. Creepy in a way where you’d think you will be cursed for touching said object. Some cool stuff though. I found a very nice axe.

Wes Anderson king of film hipster white people, and that’s not a good thing

Hot take: white people love Wes Anderson and his films because they believe it makes them cultured and smart. Yet they lack the smarts to realize the films are nothing more than the actors being in on the character and thus playing an exaggerated take on the character. Bill Murray is only playing Bill Murray … Read more

You ever notice… SPORTSPUCK!!!! Edition

That once your team is out of the Stanley Cup playoffs, they go a lot faster?

The glass is…

On a call with my client today and I always start off by saying Hello (insert name here) how are you today (regardless if it is the first or 99th person)? I wait for them to answer and I always answer honestly when they ask me the same in return. My answer is always that … Read more

Hard times for Leafs fans

Apparently the Toronto Maple Leafs and their fans do not make the right sacrifices to the right demons.

Regarding Bon Jovi

I have a hard time believing that Bon Jovi had to play shitty clubs or dive bars before making it big. Nothing against them however it seems like they are that kind of band who was just “big” from day one. I guess that prayer they were living on was a good one.

Day off and I miss my work

Today I have a day off from work. I was doing some of my data science course work from Coursea. During the day my work phone started to ring, the number was from Mexico. I knew who it was already… Flavio from IBM of course. No that’s not a bad thing in any way. He … Read more

Thumbs up for the day

Starting the day off right with a thumbs up! Last night I had such an odd dream that I was able to go back in time. I went back to the IATC in Toronto, however I was stuck in a mix of Pittsburgh and Toronto. I tried calling my buddy to help me out of … Read more