
Welcome to the new website for all things DMAC

Greetings, curious souls!

You might be wondering, “What’s with the name DMAC 2: Electric Boogaloo?” Well, allow me to satisfy your curiosity. The truth is, DMAC.com was already claimed by another digital denizen. Naturally, I couldn’t resist injecting a dash of my smart-ass comedic flair by appending “Electric Boogaloo” to the mix. Because, let’s face it, adding “Electric Boogaloo” to anything instantly amps up the fun factor.

Now, onto the main event – what can you expect to find on this site?

Deep Thoughts from the Shallow End: Dive into my musings about life, the universe, and everything in between. Think of it as Creed Thoughts from The Office, minus the Creed. Actually, scratch that, it’s entirely its own unique brand of contemplation.

Movie Reviews with DMAC: Want to know my take on the latest flicks? Look no further. Just be warned, sometimes my movie choices veer unexpectedly towards The Devil Wears Prada territory.

Axe Throwing: Join me in exploring the exhilarating world of professional axe throwing. Yes, you read that right. Axes. Thrown professionally.

Travel Life: Step into my realm of wanderlust across the USA and beyond. Curious about my destinations? Thrilling locales like… Pennsylvania, Ohio, and, well, Ohio once more. Do I ever venture elsewhere? You’ll just have to stay tuned to find out.

Nerd Space: Geek out with me over Excel spreadsheets, Python/Java programming, databases, web design, memes, gifs, and all things nerdy.

The Void: Enter at your own risk into the realm of chaotic randomness – The Void. Here, you’ll find an eclectic mix of dad jokes sourced from the depths of Reddit and other delightful oddities.

So, buckle up and prepare for a wild ride through the multifaceted world of DMAC 2: Electric Boogaloo. Adventure awaits!
